The Twin Peaks area is an ongoing topic of trail usage. Here is (as of October 2021) the current status, topics under discussion, meeting info, and some commentary.
Rec Park Survey extended to 11/7, at
See also Rec Park’s page at
Current Status/History
Twin Peaks has a number of trails and roads.
Since 2016, the “Figure 3” (Twin Peaks Boulevard along the east side of the top of the Twin Peaks) has been closed to cars. This is a permanent status.
Since 2021, Twin Peaks Boulevard between Christmas Tree Point and Burnet has been closed to cars. This is a permanent status.
In 2017, Twin Peaks Boulevard was repaved and re-striped to have a wide uphill shoulder which bicycles and pedestrians can use. Several crosswalks were added.
In 2016, several trails were re-routed, and son after several professionally re-built with stairs.
As of 2021, two of those trails (over Noe Peak, and connecting the Figure 3 to the crosswalk below) are scheduled and funded to be professionally re-built with stairs soon.
In Fall 2021, Rec & Park is looking for design input on the “Promenade” or “Figure 3” section.

Twin Peaks Promenade
What is the Twin Peaks Promenade? It’s the road which goes around the east side of the top of Twin Peaks, also known as the “Figure 3”.

Five years ago, it was closed to cars. The Recreation and Park Department would like to make the road more park-like, including removal of part of all of the concrete wall, part of all of the pavement, the trails, etc.

What do you think of their plans?
SF Urban Riders look forward to improvements in this space. We have concerns, such as loss of gathering areas, trail style change from engaging to less engaging, and connectivity.
We have some concept comments in drawing form. The concept goals are as follows:
- Retain paved multi-use path
- Retain/recreate engaging trails.
- Limit car ingress. Visually, depave enough to make it clear this is not a road. The barriers today are unsightly, and I hear they are sometimes crossed by cars anyway.
- Retain much of the wall and gathering areas. This means depaving primarily around ‘gateways’.
- Improve connectivity.
- Rebuild Crestline/bus stop to promenade connection. Perhaps a flatter grade as well, though there’s habitat and terrain constraints. Consider step design which welcome people to stay on trail.
- Connect to Christmas Tree Point. Make it appear (from the ‘restroom’ area) welcoming. Today, people avoid connecting, or simply use the middle of the road.
- Improve trail past fire reservoir towards Marview.
- Maintain connectivity to existing trails.
- Habitat improvements by reclaiming some space from pavement.

What do you think of the SFUR plans or the Rec & park plans?
Three ways to send feedback to Rec & Park:
* A virtual meeting Wednesday, 10/27, 5:30-6:30 pm,
* A survey which closes 10/31 11/7,
* And you can also email us with your feedback and how you use it today. We’ll collect it and present it to Rec Park and other stakeholders, and use it to update the post on our website before the virtual meeting.